The results are in, and 26 candidates have now put their names in the hat vying for a position on Chestermere City Council.

A forum will be held on June 11 as council hopefuls will have a chance to introduce themselves and answer questions from the public.

According to Matt Sywenky, a Chestermere resident, questions will be picked for candidates from members of the community and read aloud during a Q&A session.

"Over the past three months, actually, I've been collecting questions from the community. They're submitting it online on a Google form. And from that we're going to pick the 20-25 most common ones. Or more requested questions."

Sywenky explains that it will be a yes or no question arrangement for candidates to answer.

There will also be a time for candidates and residents to chat and ask each other questions.

Sywenky says he will also be reaching out to candidates after the event to see if they'd like to elaborate on their answers.

"Sometimes, I know a simple yes or no doesn't give the full story."

Those responses will be released online before the first advanced poll is hosted.

Sywenky mentions it's vital for people to get involved in municipal politics, "I can't emphasize that enough. It's absolutely critical for people to get to know the candidates as much as possible."

There is a maximum capacity of 400 seats at the Chestermere Rec Centre, along with 50 seats reserved for members of the Rotary Club, and family members of the candidates.

The event starts at 6 p.m.