Compost collection came to Strathmore this summer and residents have been using this service to its fullest.

The first compost collection was on June 4th and there is no sign of stopping in the future as this has been a great success. In the first 2 days of collecting there were approximately 16 tonnes of waste material that was redirected and did not end up in the landfill.

According to the Town of Strathmore they have received a largely positive response to the new organics program.  Lindsey Lord Strathmore Resident says, " We use it it's nice to put the grass in there and when I meal prep I have a lot that I put into compost I have noticed we don't go through garbage as much because you aren't putting the smelly stuff in, we have loved it so far."

Currently, there is no cost associated with having a green compost bin or the weekly collection. Those that do not have a bin at this time can contact the town of Strathmore to arrange to get one, as well if anyone has a bin that they would like to upsize the town can help with that.