Today (April 22) is Earth Day, which Earth Day Canada has dubbed "Leg Day." 

According to the Earth Day Canada website, the "Leg Day" campaign invites Canadians to travel by active or public transport on April 22.

The goal is to highlight the benefits of active and public transport for the environment and physical and mental health. 

"By choosing to walk, bike, or use public transport, everyone can significantly contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality," said Executive Director of Earth Day Canada, Valérie Mallamo. 

The website explains that Earth Day Canada invites employers and municipalities to promote active and public transport on Earth Day and throughout the year. 

Last month, Earth Day Canada revealed that 49 per cent of people wish their employer would organize ride-sharing among their employees, but few do.

However, 76 per cent of workers already prefer these modes of transport to solo driving.

"By introducing incentives to your employees using sustainable transport means, you contribute to the planet's health and reduce the prevalence of solo driving on our roads." 

Companies like Fruit d'Or, a dried cranberry and blueberry supplier, and Canadian consultation company EY Canada are leading the charge by adopting these practices. 

"Our internal carpooling program enables us to offer solid alternatives to solo driving, even in a rural setting! On this Earth Day, Fruit d'Or is proud to do its part for the planet's health," said Isabelle Gallant, Fruit d'Or's Head of Sustainable Development.

Corporate Responsibility Leader for EY Canada Laura Schlee said that Earth Day is not a single-day commitment; it's a lifetime responsibility that needs to be taken seriously.

"In recognition of Earth Day, throughout the month of April, EY Canada has been participating in a month-long Sustainable Mobility Challenge, encouraging employees to embrace greener commuting options. Whether through biking, carpooling, public transit, or heel-toe express, these alternate methods have helped save one ton of greenhouse gases." 

More information can be found on Earth Day Canada's website. 

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