Last night (Jan 17) at the Strathmore Town Council meeting, five recently sworn-in firefighters were introduced to council by Chief David Sturgeon.

The five members were Samantha Bragg, Craig Haughey, Greg Downing, Morgan Bentley, and Stephen Premdas.

The group started in September 2022 and went through 14 months of training. 

In November 2023, the group was sworn in as full firefighters, dropping their probationary titles.

“We welcome you to the Town of Strathmore. We very much appreciate your willingness to serve in this capacity, and we know that the fire department here in town can always be counted on for outstanding service, and you always put yourselves on the line to make sure our families in town are safe and looked after,” Mayor Fule said.

Currently, the Strathmore Fire Department is training seven new recruits who started in September 2023, and by November this year, they will be sworn in as full firefighters.

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