Former Strathmore-Brooks MLA Derek Fildebrandt is facing criminal charges.

Fildebrandt faces four charges of uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm to a group of teenagers.

According to police, four teenagers between 13 and 14 years old were walking to a nearby convenience store when they stopped outside Fildebrandt's home to wait for a friend. 

Fildebrandt approached the teens.

According to a statement from the Calgary Police Service, "He believed they were responsible for vandalizing his property."

Police explained that he then confronted the boys, and the man allegedly chased them in his vehicle and threatened them.

A neighbor nearby got involved, and Fildebrandt returned to his home, according to police.

Fildebrandt is the publisher of The Western Standard, and he released a statement of his own regarding the incident. 

He claimed that he had called the police in order for them to give the vandals a talking-to and not have charges placed against them.

"To avoid the consequences of vandalizing my property, these people concocted a story to the police that I had threatened them and — outrageously — even chased them with a shotgun," the statement read. 

According to Fildebrandt, what was claimed to be a shotgun was actually a walking cane he had been using following a motorcycle accident.

"Because these people could not tell the difference between a walking cane and a shotgun, they believed I threatened them."

Fildebrandt says in the aftermath of the incident, he was threatened by the teens' relatives, who came to his home and called him a "right-wing wacko."

"When my property was under attack, I did what every citizen has a right to do: loudly tell them to stop, call the police, and non-physically confront them," he wrote. 

StrathmoreNow reached out to Fildebrandt for comment on the story, but we have yet to hear back.

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