This article was written by student worker Evan Armstrong, who was hired by Strathmore Now for Strathmore High School's Community Work Day.

With their biggest fundraiser this year underway, students at Strathmore High School (SHS) could be spotted hard at work volunteering in all corners of the local community for the school's recurring Community Work Day.

Businesses and families from across the county have been sending $50.00 donations to SHS, in return for replacing the school day with fruitful career experience and employment opportunities for their hard-working students. From tending to the fire hall to giving locals haircuts, plenty of unique positions kept teens from Grades 10 to 12 busy.

Grade 11 student Amorin Ericksteen was feeling motivated by the chance to give back to the other schools in the community; with both of her parents being teachers at Crowther Memorial Junior High School, she was excited to do what she could to help as a hired teacher's assistant

"I knew that my parents were both very overwhelmed with how much they had to do at the school. I wanted to be able to come help them out," Ericksteen said.

AmorinAmong other things, Ericksteen helped hang pictures

Ericksteen took the opportunity to teach Grade 9 students how to write creative essays, edit, and hang decorative photos of students in the halls, and even browse websites for ordering new school equipment.

Fellow Grade 11 student Madysen Davidson was happy to bring smiles to her clients with her work day spent in barbering and cosmetology, stating the experience definitely influenced her wish to spend her future career in the field.

"I had a little grade four girl come in, I did her nails all fun colors. She just loved them, and I loved her face, she was just so happy," Madysen said.

Elise SHSElise Farough was another student who worked as a barber for Community Work Day

SHS teacher and member of the fundraiser's planning committee Cheryl Davidson was pleasantly surprised by the success, with an impressive turnout of more than 100 participating students brought to the school.

"I'm hoping the kids come back with a great experience, and then it'll just be bigger and better next year. This year is a success, no matter what happens." Cheryl said.

With the school's ambitious goal of purchasing an LED presentation board for the gym one year closer to a reality, Davidson insists that regardless of expenses, all the money raised for Community Work Day "will go to benefit students, wherever we decide to put it."

Thanks to the impressive generosity between students and employers alike, Principal and Organizer Doug Raycroft, as well as Cheryl Davidson and the rest of the planning committee are seeking to "connect community and school" through returning the fundraiser to its annual nature.

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