Social media has become a huge part of daily life for most. Whether it's used for entertainment, finding information, and/or discussing relevant topics to you, there's a good chance you find yourself checking your socials at least once a day. As a communication platform, it's a great way to reach people, including Mayor Pat Fule, who is quite active on Facebook. Fule says you can definitely reach out to him through Facebook, but encourages people to use the Citizen Communication Form (CCF) on the Town's website.

"Citizen Communication Forms are probably the best way for residents to have staff respond in timely manners to things. Let's say a huge tree branch came down on a sidewalk and it was a walking hazard. Or maybe the tree is in danger of breaking down or a street is really icy. The best way for Strathmore residents to get timely responses from staff is to fill out on our town website the Citizen Communication Form," he said.

Even though he says the CCF is the best way to reach the Town, Fule said he stays active on Facebook and does his best to respond there. He added that he and town council go on Facebook to see if there's any big issues being discussed, which could then be brought up in town council. Sometimes, you may be giving council ideas without even knowing it!

On top of checking comments and posting on his Facebook page, Fule does respond to messages as well. While he reiterated that the CCF is the best way to get in touch with the Town in an efficient way, he has gotten good ideas from Facebook direct messaging as well.

"I had a message once years back that there was no sidewalk available on the West side of West Mount School in West Mount Parking lot and that went all the way from West Mount Drive South towards East East Ridge Road in front of the Old Town hall. There was no sidewalk so a resident messaged me on Facebook and said 'could you guys keep this on your radar or think about it for future pathways?' And within a pretty short period of time council felt like 'you're right, there is no safe walking on that road, so we put in a paved pathway right along the road on the West side of Westmount School and the ball diamond there and that came right from a from a resident."

You can also check the Town's schedule to see when they're holding open council meetings or other events where you can directly speak with the Mayor and council. While there's no specific dates planned, Town Council did mention there's interest in doing another Coffee with the Mayor event as well, which would be another way to reach the Mayor and council.

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