The City of Chestermere is suing its former mayor and councillors for over $650,000 in public funds that the municipality claims were spent without consent. 

The city filed a statement of claim against ex-mayor Jeff Colvin and former councillors Mel Foat, Blaine Funk, and Stephen Hanley in Calgary Court on Monday. 

According to the lawsuit that was filed, the fired officials expended taxpayer dollars without proper budgeting or authorization on several occasions.

According to the city, the four politicians are jointly responsible for more than $430,000 of unauthorized city spending between 2022 and 2023 and that Colvin alone is liable for an additional $223,000.

The city is attempting to recover all of the lost money.

StrathmoreNow reached out to the City of Chestermere, but they declined to comment.

Under the Municipal Government Act, elected officials are liable to municipalities for cash spent without necessary approval.

Chestermere's claims have not yet been tested in court.

Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver fired Colvin, the three councilors, and three top city officials from office in December last year over a municipal inspection that found the city was being mismanaged.

After the findings, McIver ordered a second municipal inspection conducted by the professional services firm Deloitte, which focused on the municipality's time under Colvin's leadership.

Since then, Colvin, Foat, Funk, and Hanley have decided to run again in the City of Chestermere municipal by-election.

The by-election is set for June 24.

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