Where do used electronics go when something bigger and better comes along? Strathmore is one of a number of communities in Alberta that is taking part in a unique E- recycling program this fall. 

The Alberta Recycling Management Authority is challenging municipalities in Alberta to decrease the number of old electronics that end up in the landfill. 

A new pilot program will have E-cycling bins placed at waste collection facilities, and the participating municipalities are also entered into a competition to see which municipality can collect the most. 

Sonya Wrigglesworth, program lead, from the Town of Strathmore explains, “The ePilot is funded through The Alberta Recycling Management Authority. They’ve funded the ePilot to better inform the provincial government on advancing electronic recycling.” 

“This is a great bonus for our community - neither the Town nor residents pay added costs for participating. Electronics can be taken by residents to the Strathmore Recycling Facility at 101 Huxted Way and placed in the appropriate bins.” 

“The ePilot is making it easy to keep electronics out of the landfill and raise awareness of what electronics can be recycled. The average person replaces their cell phone about every 2 years. That waste can add up quickly - and these devices contain parts made with non-renewable, and often hazardous, resources. The ARMA ePilot encourages you to learn the good that comes from recycling these products,” Wrigglesworth said. 

The pilot project includes items like audio-visual equipment, telecom, cell phone, and wireless devices, electronic gaming equipment, small home appliances, portable power tools, toys, musical instruments, and solar panels. 

There is no charge to recycle the items during the pilot project. 

“The competition aspect of the ePilot ends December 31, 2021. However residents will continue to have access to electronics recycling until the ePilot program concludes on September 1, 2022,” said Wrigglesworth. 

“Two goals of the ePilot for Strathmore’s residents are to prevent recyclable material from entering the regular waste stream and to raise awareness about electronics recycling. Of course, we would also love to win the competition and make a home for the custom ePilot Winner’s Trophy right here in Strathmore,” she said. 

According to the ARMA, the data gathered from the project will provide the government with critical information that will help them determine the best course of action to modernize the electronics recycling program for the longterm. 

In addition to taking part in the contest, the town has also launched an awareness campaign aimed at increasing e-recycling before the new year. 

For more information about the Alberta Recycling ManagementAuthority and electronics recycling, visit https://armaepilot.com/.