It’s Leap Day! I didn't even realize and now it makes sense as to why I am so confused about what day it is. 

 I think it’s quite interesting. Leap years occur almost every 4 years, the last one was in 2016 and the next one will be in 2024. Instead of the usual 365 days, we get one extra day added on to the shortest month and then we have 366 days in the year. Personally not a fan of the extra day.

 Lots of people have been born on a Leap Day which I’ll be honest it confuses do you celebrate your birthday? Do people forget about it? How old are you actually? Because you could be 10 in normal years but in leap years you’re 2. I may just be thinking too much into this!

I have actually been invited to a Leap Year party tonight because apparently that’s a thing you just HAVE to celebrate. Interesting, I know.

 Are you a Leap Year baby? If so, could you possibly answer those questions for me? I wanna know!