Alberta has been named the fourth happiest province in Canada according to a new report.

The research was completed by Lucky Days, an online gambling site, and looked at eight quality of life metrics and scored them out of ten.

The study used data from the National Statistical Office, Statistics Canada, and the Government of Canada, focusing on 'life satisfaction survey,' 'median annual family income,' 'unemployment risk,' 'average life expectancy,' 'perceived health,' 'perceived mental health,' 'crime rate,' and 'air quality.'  

Alberta ranked high in multiple areas including the highest median family income in the country at $106,960 annually.

Halle Cockx, a Registered Psychologist in Strathmore, says despite the high numbers in the report, from what she has seen, mental health is still on the lower side.

"I think a lot of people are still recovering from the COVID years. So, I see a lot of that. Yeah, I would honestly say right now, our mental health is pretty low."

Despite this, she says it's great to have reports that can shed light on how the province deals with their happiness.

"A lot of people kind of don't really think about those kinds of things very often. They kind of focus on the things they can grasp onto. So, it's interesting and it's great to see lots of articles coming out about mental health."

Rich Lee, Chief Marketing Officer with Lucky Days says, "The study highlights the importance of settling in an area that suits each individual's needs, as certain provinces score significantly higher in specific metrics compared to others."

Quebec, British Columbia and Ontario took the top three spots in the list.

For more information on the report, you can visit here.