The screening for life mammogram bus will be visiting Strathmore from March 21-April 1 to provide potentially lifesaving screenings for cancer.

Health promotion facilitator for screen test Chidi Okoli explained this mobile screening facility visits 121 rural communities to make sure women have easy access to screen for cancer.

"We want to be able to reduce that barrier of transportation because not everyone that will be able to go into the city to have a mammogram screening done," she said.

Okoli said mammograms are the most effective way to find breast cancer early, as at that point the tumor would be very small. If a tumor is found through a mammogram, she added there are more treatment options available, and the client would have a better chance of survival and better health outcomes.

Okoli highly recommends all women between the ages of 45-74 get a mammogram, as the screening can catch a tumor before symptoms start developing.

"Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found amongst women in Alberta and that is why we want to increase that awareness, the accessibility. We just want to have that screening done and if there is something there, they can catch it on time and be able to have a greater chance of survival."

Women, transgender women, gender diverse and/or nonbinary people are all eligible for screening. To book an appointment phone 1-800-667-0604, and for more information visit


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