Premier Danielle Smith announced new policies to support children and youth in making choices relating to gender identity. 

Smith spoke about these policies in a press conference yesterday (Feb 1). 

"Gender identity can be a very emotional issue, especially in the context of children and as we move forward in developing and implementing these policies into law, I hope we can deeply politicize the issue as much as possible and focus on the well-being of the children involved," said Smith. 

The new policies are set to include: 

  • All gender reassignment surgeries for minors aged 17 and under will be prohibited.
  • The use of puberty blockers and hormone therapies for gender reassignment or affirmation will not be permitted for children aged 15 and under, except for those who have already commenced treatment.  
  • Mature teens, aged 16 and 17, may only choose to commence puberty blockers and hormone therapies for gender reassignment and affirmation purposes with parental, physician, and psychologist approval.

As it relates to Alberta’s education system, the following policies will be put in place:

  • Parents must be notified and opt into any instance when a teacher provides formal instruction on a subject matter involving gender identity, sexual orientation, or human sexuality.
  • All third-party resource materials or presentations related to gender identity, sexual orientation, or human sexuality available in Alberta classrooms must be pre-approved by the Ministry of Education to ensure they are age appropriate.
  • Parents must consent for their child aged 15 and under to alter their name or pronouns used by school teachers, administration, and other educational staff.
  • Parents must be notified for their child aged 16 or 17 to alter their name or pronouns used by school teachers, administration, and other educational staff.

On the Alberta government's website, it says it is also developing a counseling pilot project to help youth identifying as transgender and their families work through difficult and complex issues and discussions.

"I care deeply about your happiness and your well-being. I support you in becoming the person that you want to be, or who you already are, and as premier of this province, I will ensure your rights are always protected. For children who identify as transgender, I want you to also know that these policies are being implemented to protect the choices you have regarding altering your physical body until after you've grown mature enough to make such choices safely and with a full understanding of what that means for the rest of your life." 

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