The Strathmore High School's (SHS) greenhouse has been busy with its newest projects and community involvement, and today it took its community involvement even further by hosting the Lacombe High School Ecovision Club and the Lacombe Garden Club.

The greenhouse and Communities in Bloom (CiB) have been working together on various initiatives, and CiB co-chair Jen Neufeld explained Lacombe has a large garden club and a greenhouse that's 10 years ahead of Strathmore, so she was happy to show what Strathmore is up to and get some new ideas.

"We're looking forward to showing it off and getting some feedback and networking," Neufeld said.

Beyond the greenhouse, Neufeld said the tour also included visiting DNA Gardens near Elnora, stopping by Olds College to see a wetlands project, and a lunch where the Lacombe group can meet with Strathmore groups like SHS, CiB, and the Strathmore Garden Club to share ideas and get to know each other. 

"There's a wealth of knowledge amongst gardeners and Strathmore that could be shared, and just invite people to get involved because it's such a positive thing for the community and to build relationships with like-minded people." 


While the greenhouse was built by SHS and its students, both SHS teacher Cole Hintz and Neufeld emphasized it's a space for the whole community and they hope the greenhouse encourages everyone to learn more about growing, green initiatives, and sustainable living.

"It's just an open space where people can come and experiment and learn, it's very inviting and open to learn and to try new things related to growing, off-grid sustainable systems, and things like that."

The greenhouse has many projects and initiatives happening at the moment, such as:

  • Promoting food security. How, where, and when you can grow your own food, and how to sustainably do this.
  • Off-grid living. Connected food security, but with additional things like renewable energy sources, water recycling, and more.
  • Showcasing different plants, herbs, and the requirements for each thing.

Even though Lacombe was only here for a day, SHS and Lacombe High School have been working together to further green projects, and Hintz and Neufeld are looking forward to this continued collaboration to see what else could be in store for Strathmore's greenhouse.

greenhouseHintz explaining how the greenhouse is powered by solar energy panels

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