The Town of Strathmore had a meeting back in January to review their strategic plan for 2022-2025 that they had unveiled last year. Last night at the weekly town council meeting the Town made some minor wording revisions to a couple of the main priorities.  

The six priorities are as follows: Affordable living, financial sustainability, intentional community development, climate resiliency including environmental stewardship, economic development, and community wellness.  

Financial Sustainability  

The first change that was made was under financial sustainability, they have added user fees and they have changed inter-community to enter-community. The remainder of the strategic plan will remain unchanged. 

Affordable Living 

Chief Administrative Officer Kevin Scoble says with Strathmore being an affordable living community for residents and businesses enabling access to housing services and support that the key overarching activities that will be under the affordable housing plan will be synergistic housing products, business growth, substantial opportunities, increased availability of sustainable housing and community well-being investment. 

“The ratio of Strathmore's housing stock comparing owned to rental units and percentage of citizens reporting Strathmore is an affordable community provides predictable and prudent tax rates and user fees that reduce overall town debt, builds financial reserves, maintain existing assets and plan for sustainable growth.” 

Scoble says the key activity here is predictable and appropriate tax increases and measuring. Progress will be citizen perception regarding value from tax dollars, our credit rating, our tax supported debt ratio and the percentage of infrastructure replacement costs in reserves. 

Intentional Community Development 

When it comes to intentional community development, the town creates communities for its residents which promotes sustainable and interdependent communities. 

“The key objectives are connective community, synergistic partnerships, diversity, equity and inclusivity, municipal development plan and neighborhood network so the measurables will be citizens reporting increased community that is connected.” 

Climate Resiliency including Environmental Stewardship 

Climate resiliency, including environmental stewardship, so that the town protects, manages and enhances its local environment while preparing for future challenges due to climate change.  

“The key things to note are climate adaptation, preparation and local environment. So, we'll be measuring ecological footprint percentage of residential waste, diversion, infrastructure density, consumption of water per capita, the town's consumption of water per day, greenhouse gas emission intensity from town operations and reductions in the town's energy consumption.” 

Community Wellness 

The Town said it values Community Wellness focused on the maintenance, protection and improvement of services that support optimum lifestyles. 

The key changes would be volunteer support, efficient and effective intra and inter community service provision, successful advocacy outcomes maintain and increase institutional, and NGO supports in the community and businesses. 

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