16-year-old Emily Hopp from Strathmore High School has been crowned Miss Alberta High School Rodeo 2024. 

Hopp told us that this is something she did spontaneously.

"I have always been super into the rodeo thing and love to get dressed up and things, but I never thought I would be a rodeo queen."

She said she got a friend who happened to be a past rodeo queen to explain the process, which interested Hopp. 

"I said, okay, I guess I will do it. I had tons of support from my mom and dad. My mom has made many of the pieces of clothing I wear." 

EHLocal student, Emily Hopp crowned Miss Alberta High School Rodeo 2024. (Photo Credits - Linda Hopp). 

Having received this title means a lot to Hopp for many reasons.

"I want to help kids who love horses and rodeo progress into higher levels of rodeo get into high school rodeo."

Hopp expressed how being Miss Alberta High School Rodeo will impact her future.

"This will open my horizons. I've been pushed out of my comfort zone in certain areas, like modeling. I've never done anything like this before, which is a part of our competition."

Part of the competition was public speaking, which Hopp is familiar with.

"I have a prepared speech that I wrote. It was about two minutes long, and there was an impromptu question. So, I walk on stage, and I'm asked a question, and I do a spiel and then judged on how well I can improvise and speak."

Hopp says she was then judged on her interview.

"I spoke to my panel of judges for about 15 minutes, which was a cool experience. My judges were amazing, and I am grateful for them." 

Hopp explained how she had to do a written exam portion as well.

"We have to know the entire rulebook of high school rodeo rules and things, so there are many questions about that. And then we're also judged on appearance and personality."

EHLocal student, Emily Hopp crowned Miss Alberta High School Rodeo 2024. (Photo Credits - Linda Hopp). 

The last thing that Hopp mentioned is that they are judged on their horsemanship. 

"We do a pattern for horsemanship. So, it's like a reining pattern that you do, and we do a flag lap and a wave lap at the end of our pattern, which was also definitely out of my comfort zone."

Hopp expressed how much community support she has received. 

"My neighbour lent me her horse for a reining and cutting cow horse in high school rodeo. So, she was a huge support for me."

Hopp has received support from a number of sponsors she has received to help her become a rodeo queen.

"I have a few sponsors from the community that helped me get down the road. This is such a dream for me."

Hopp leaves with advice that she would give a young woman who wants to get her name into the rodeo queen game.

"Just go for it, and don't be afraid to do what you want to do. Don't listen to people who are negative about what you want to do."

Hopp is Alberta's High School Rodeo Queen, so you may see her at a Stampede event this summer. 

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