As leaves begin to turn gold and kids head back to school, fall is coming which means the harvest season is getting underway.

With farmers moving their monstrous farm equipment from field to field on the roads, Agriculture for Life Program Director, Sarah Linde, is reminding drivers to be safe.

Linde says typically large equipment only moves at 30 to 40 km/hour, which you may not be able to pass right away.

"Never assume just because a tractor or a piece of equipment moves off to the side [it's safe to pass]. Until you see that it is clear to pass, let's not assume that it's safe to pass," she said. "If it's not safe to pass and the shoulders are potentially soft, it's better to just wait until there's a better opportunity to pass."

She says farmers do their best to get off major roadways as quickly as possible, however, the more patience drivers can have with farmers this time of year, the better.

Farmers also play a key role in keeping everyone safe on the roads.

Linde reminds producers to avoid high traffic roads and busy times to move equipment, as well as check all hazard warnings are in place before leaving the approach.

"Farmers need to ensure that they've got their warning lights on their equipment and slow moving vehicles signs to help make motorists aware that they're out there."

Linde adds, farmers can also consider using a pilot vehicle to help create some distance between the moving equipment and oncoming traffic.