The town has passed the new Legacy Farm Area Structure Plan.

This plan affects about 118.5 acres of land located south of Highway 1 in Strathmore. The proposed site is planned as an agri-tourism hub that could have complimentary businesses like RV-Camping, and institutional uses.

First Reading for the bylaw passed on January 12, 2022, and a public hearing was held on February 16 where the Second Reading was also passed.

The proposed site has historic significance in the region as it is tied to the Canadian Pacific Railway’s demonstration supply farm from 1908, where early settlers learned about agriculture in the region.

The current granary barn will be part of the central hub for the proposed community.

Some of the goals of the ASP are to have an agriculture focus, be a tourism hub, a business incubator, an education centre, an environmental model, and a community gathering place.