Many of Alberta's businesses will be taking it slow and steady when the relaunch is allowed on May 14, 2020.  That will not be the case for Calgary and Brooks due to the high infection rates for these regions.  This is because the Alberta Government is trying to balance public safety, while still getting businesses open. 

Most other populations will see the return of restaurants, hairdressers and many more services that we have been missing for the past few months, Brooks and Calgary will only see some medical professions and daycares, retail businesses, such as clothing, furniture. and bookstores.  All vendors at farmer's markets, museums, and art galleries will be able to operate.  On May 25, 2020, they will then be allowed to open hairstylists and food and beverage establishments at reduced capacity. 

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health states, "It is OK to feel anxious, but we must move forward for our collective health and well-being. Shop specifically for what you need, not just to browse. Take appropriate precautions, stay home if you are sick, and look out for each other."

While we are all in stage one, many of the guidelines will be in place like social distancing, and not having gatherings with more than 15 people.  That will include all sporting events and in-class schooling for grades K to 12. 

Each stage that Alberta hopes to progress through will all be dependant on a number of factors like hospitalizations and intensive care unit (ICU) occupancy.  The progression to stage two will be determined by the success of stage one, considering the health-care system capacity and ability to react to the number of cases.

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