Building a Better Chestermere Together is Rob Wawrzynowski's slogan as he fights for a seat on Chestermere City Council.

Wawrzynowski has been a resident of Chestermere since 2015.

He is also a licensed Professional Engineer.

"My career boasts the successful completion of over $1 billion in projects, showcasing exceptional leadership, strategy, policy development, and construction management skills."

Wawrzynowski's says his vision for the city can be broken down into five points.

Responsible spending, sustainable growth, improving infrastructure, developing community facilities, and supporting more local businesses. 

He also wants to make the city more affordable for residents.

"To make things affordable, you must create jobs and lower costs. As a councillor, one way that we can lower costs is by managing our tax base." 

Wawrzynowski says that it's a heavy burden for residents to carry.

"One of my positions is to bring in more commercial and industrial business so they can help offset some of that affordability on the tax side."

According to Wawrzynowski, Chestermere is growing and is quite affordable compared to other cities like Calgary. 

"As a councillor, we're looking to manage our tax base and keep that as low as possible."

When asked why residents of Chestermere should vote for him, he said it was because he has a track record of working with teams from all over the world with different backgrounds.

"I'm a licensed professional engineer. I've got an MBA. I've done business all over the world with different cultures, different challenges, different financial challenges, time-related challenges, technical challenges, and as an engineer, I always say all engineers are problem solvers."

He explains that as a councillor he can apply that professional approach to help Chestermere. 

"I can help solve our problems and build trust."

The Chestermere by-election will take place on June 24. 

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