The town of Strathmore gave the green light to the first reading of Land Use Bylaw Amendment 24-01, marking a significant step forward.

The focus of this amendment revolves around the property at 1016 Westridge Road, aiming to pave the way for a potential childcare service within the highway commercial district.

During the council meeting held on February 21, Kate Bakun, a planner representing the Town of Strathmore, underscored the necessity of this amendment.

"As 1016 Westridge Road is adjacent to a residential community with two low-density residential districts, and three high-density residential district land uses, we think the location is appropriate,” said Bakun.

“The potential childcare service will feature a spacious open area, the land lot measures 0.4 hectares, with a portion of it available for the creation of a private playground."

Currently, childcare services are not listed as permissible within the highway commercial district zoning regulations.

Bakun said that the absence of childcare services in this zone is due to the coexistence of industrial-type land uses, creating a regulatory gap.

The potential impact of this amendment was a focal point in the discussion.

The administration presented insights suggesting that introducing childcare facilities could stimulate the local economy by fostering new business ventures and increasing economic activity within the community.

Bakun highlighted the suitability of the location at 1016 Westridge Road, emphasizing its proximity to residential areas and the availability of space for a private playground.

Moreover, considerations regarding parking requirements were addressed. It was noted that one parking space per staff member would be necessary in compliance with the land use bylaw.

Bakun stressed the importance of providing diverse childcare options to meet the needs of local families, thus enhancing the town's social fabric.

From an environmental standpoint, facilitating access to childcare services in Strathmore could contribute to reducing traffic congestion and associated environmental impacts. By allowing parents to access services closer to home, unnecessary commuting could be minimized, aligning with the town's sustainability objectives.

Council unanimously approved the motion for the first reading of the proposed bylaw amendment, setting the stage for further deliberation.

According to the Municipal Government Act, a public hearing is required before proceeding with the second and third readings of the proposed bylaw. The Council has scheduled a public hearing for Bylaw Amendment 24-01 on March 20, inviting community input and engagement in the decision-making process.

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