At a time where it can be hard to connect with people, a group of ladies in Strathmore came together to bring some cheer and joy to the community in the form of Wine Fairies. Christine Scott, Tammy Lewin, and Lisa Young created the Facebook page S’more Wine Fairies after they found they were all a part of a similar group on Facebook for all of Canada. It all started after Scott delivered a care package to Young and they decided they should make a page for all the local ladies of Strathmore and area, 18 years and older. Scott said, “We were three strangers that have now become pretty close.”

The page has been up for two weeks now and already has over a thousand members. Scott, Lewin, and Young are admins on the page and work together to update the page daily with lists of people interested in receiving and sending wine fairy packages.

Scott commented about the page saying, “How the group works is that myself, Tammy, or Lisa will approve the join request for any women that have answered the required questions to become a member. Once they’re a part of the group, they add their address and wine or beverage preferences to the address book album. The information is then taken from that area and entered into our spreadsheets. We upload the spreadsheets every day to reflect new members and also those that have been gifted.” Scott said that over 500 ladies were gifted in just one week.

“Honestly, the love shared on this page is amazing. People are being so thoughtful, and it does not go unnoticed. We have received many posts about how the Wine Fairy made a person’s day, so much better!” Scott added, “Some worry that they can only give a couple of coolers or a bottle of wine but it is truly the thought that counts. The entire idea is to give and put a positive spin on someone’s day, especially right now when things are maybe not as good.” Scott also commented and said, “Fairy-ing is very addictive and we love all our Strathmore fairies. The positive response we have received is overwhelming and truly heartwarming. We could not have imagined that it would grow so quickly and we are humbled by its success.”

This initiative is happening in communities across the country and Strathmore residents are having a great time bringing a smile to their neighbours some who may have never connected otherwise.