Students and staff at Crowther Memorial Junior High School helped raise $5,000 for one of their own who is currently fighting leukemia.

The group shaved or dyed their hair in solidarity for Keagen Livingstone who was recently diagnosed with the disease for the second time.

Keagen's mom, Brittany Vacheresse, says it was amazing to see so many of the students come together in support of her son.

"He really enjoyed it. It was really, really nice. It was the first time he really got to see anybody really since February from a friend perspective."

Students and staff shaved their heads for a fundraiser.Students and staff at Crowther show off their new domes.

Cosmetology and barbering students from Strathmore High School were also able to come down and help assist with the head shaves.

According to Vacheresse, the funds will go a long way to assist the family, "It's a huge help. Especially with all the back and forth between the city and the Children's Hospital alone is a huge help because we're all over the place."

Keagen and his gfKeagen and his girlfriend.

Every few weeks Keagen gets chemotherapy injected into his back.

"He's doing okay for now and then we will start the next step of his chemo. I'll do half of it from home, half at the hospital." added Vacheresse.

The fundraiser will help the family to pay for assistance to look after Keagen's brothers along with getting gas or food in the city.

Vacheresse says the plan is to close the GoFundMe that has collected just over $4,000 and pool all of the money together into one fund.