A new school is ready to open its doors in Langdon come September.

Horseshoe Crossing High School is finishing the construction phases this summer before welcoming its first class of students in the fall. 

Principal Jordan Fenton says the community of Langdon, Indus, and surrounding areas has been waiting for this school opening for a long time.

"I'm sure that parents have been advocating for a high school in Langdon, going back to even before one was built in a centralized location in 1961, now Chestermere High School." 

Fenton explains that his goal is to establish school culture and traditions right at the start. 

"We will work with our students, staff, and school community to create policies and procedures to serve our school well. We will thank everyone for their input and patience as we do this important work." 

Fenton expressed that if you look at the school's website, you will notice that most of it says, "coming soon!" and there is a reason for that. 

"We would rather it look this way for the weeks and months ahead than to rush and force fit items that won't honour our school for the long run." 

When it opens, the school will serve Grades 9 through 11 students, with Grade 12 classrooms being added during the 2025-26 school year. 

The reason is not to disrupt graduating students from their current educational tracks and to prevent stress over switching to new facilities.

Upon opening, the school will support roughly 100 students per grade level, which is considerably lower initially than its maximum capacity.

Additionally, the school will house approximately 14 professional staff, including teachers and administrators and five to seven support staff.

The school is located at 167 Mowat Street in Langdon. 

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