A special program is reopening applications for kids to gain access to the sports they love.

The Every Kid Can Play program helps knock down barriers to sport for families across the province.

Financial support has been given to more than 8,500 children and youth in the past year and has helped assist more than 110 community focused sport and recreation programs.

Chelsea Carey, the development and communications manager for KidSport Alberta says the program was a massive success last year, "In 2023, we helped over 17,000 kids."

The Alberta government has provided $8 million to the initiative to make the programs more accessible for kids across the province.

“We know that active, healthy kids become active, healthy adults. That’s why it’s important for barrier-free access to sport and recreation programs in our province. I encourage sport and recreation organizations to apply for Every Kid Can Play funding to help provide quality, affordable programs for our youth. Together, we can keep sport and recreation activities affordable and accessible in every corner of the province,” says Alberta Minister of Tourism and Sport, Joseph Schow.

According to the province, provincial-scope organizations can receive funding of up to $100,000 per group per year for programs up to two years.

Community-level programs can receive up to $25,000 per year for funding.

The deadline to apply for provincial-scope sport organizations and community-level non-profit organizations is July 31.