On June 6 Strathmore High School hosted its annual Sports Awards.

Sports like badminton, golf, soccer, basketball, cross county, curling, volleyball and rugby were highlighted.

Darrell Hargrove, a teacher and co-athletic director with the school says there were over 80 award winners this year.

"It's really nice to kind of reward them and recognize them for all of their efforts and for their contributions to our school for however many years it is - one to three years. We just really appreciate their time and their efforts."

This year the school hosted provincials for cross country, boys' and girls' volleyball and basketball.

"A lot of these like Most Improved, Most Valuable, those things have all been in place for a long time. One of the best awards I think that we give out each year is Spartan Pride," says Hargrove.

This year the school won back-to-back provincial championships for girls' rugby and basketball.